Annual report 2022

Department of Energy and Process Engineering | NTNU

Looking Back

EPT has kept momentum on all dimensions of our core activities: education, research, innovation, and dissemination. In this report we present some highlights of the wide range of activities that has kept us extremely busy in the last year.

I would like to thank all our employees for their continued efforts to maintain EPT’s strong contribution to all NTNU’s key performance indicators. I hope that this annual report brings back good memories of proud moments in 2022 I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our research partners in the many ongoing and new projects. We look forward to continuing this path in 2023!

Picture of Terese Løvås
Terese Løvås, Head of Department at NTNU - Department of Energy and Process Engineering, in Varmetekniske laboratorier. Photo: Maren Agdestein/NTN
Illustrasjon: Energilandskapet

Our mission

As part of our contribution to NTNU’s mission, we educate outstanding graduates with strong analytical and practical abilities, and our research focuses on expanding knowledge in science and technology for a better world. Furthermore, EPT’s mission is to contribute to Norway’s role in developing a viable foundation for society at the regional, national and global level.

Through research and education, the Department shall contribute to the understanding of sustainable solutions, helping to solve complex problems and global challenges to assure effective resource utilization. In line with NTNU’s goal to move from mission to action, we address the UN goals for sustainability (SDGs) ( that are relevant based on the research and educational activity at the Department.

The Research

ERC Grant to Ellingsen

With the prestigious Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC), Professor Simen A. Å. Ellingsen will investigate how ocean waves mix surface water into the deep, something that can improve climate simulations.

Lab visit by the Serbian President

During his visit to Norway in November 2022, the Serbian President wanted to see what NTNU accomplishes within the energy field. He had an opportunity to try battery production at first hand, followed by a tour in the Waterpower lab.

Head of two large EU projects on biodiversity

During 2022, two large project applications coordinated by Professor Francesca Verones were granted funding via Horizon Europe. The project BAMBOO is about biodiversity and trade of non-food biomass. The RAINFOREST project is on biodiversity and food production.

350 researchers within cooling and heating visited Trondheim

The climate-unfriendly hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) can be replaced with CO2 in heating and cooling systems such as refrigerators. On 13-15 June, 350 researchers from all over the world were in Trondheim to share knowledge on the topic.

First EPT day

About 130 students, employees and external guests registered for the first EPT Day. A declared success, EPT Day is intended to be an annual event for students, alumni and employees.